You have a desire to have children? Are you single, lesbian or gay?
Whether it’s a traditional family, co-parenting, rainbow family, multi-parenting or single parenthood: create the family that suits you!
Welcome on your way to your own family
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The story behind Familyship
Familyship was founded in 2011 by two women from Berlin. Intended at the time as a platform for LGBTQI people, Familyship has now grown into the largest German-speaking fertility community in the field of modern family models. Familyship creates families that are as individual as the people on the platform.
Our partners
What co-parenting exactly is and what to consider around it can be wonderfully read on Jennifer Sutholt’s blog. Answers to legal questions can be found there, as can pragmatic solutions to everyday hurdles.
Solomütter Deutschland e.V. is Germany’s first association for solo mothers. Learn more about the journey of solo motherhood after sperm bank donation, private sperm donation, in co-parenting, after receiving permanent foster care and adoption. Help raise awareness of our family models, stop discrimination, and encourage political discourse.
To the association: Solomütter Deutschland e.V. chevron_right
More and more LGBTI people in Switzerland want a life with children. The different ways of starting a family can be explored at Dachverband Regenbogenfamilien.
LGBTI* with children or the desire to have children play the main role in the Berlin Rainbow Family Center. Play afternoons, consultations and training for professionals are offered.
Meeting place and networking for rainbow families, consultations and further education as well as public relations work on the topic of rainbow families are the focus of the association Regenbogenfamilien München.
At Familyship, everything revolves around one thing: your own desire to have children. Here people get to know each other who want to start a family or have already started a family within a new family model. Sexual orientation or marital status are of secondary importance. The platform also provides information on family models and is one of the largest German-language communities for finding family founders. In addition, Familyship is flanked by a network of experts, so that family formation can be started in an enlightened and well-advised manner.